The animation as a medium and a tool for research on violation of rights and the nature of sovereignty
How can the sovereign who determines our rights and obligations as members of society also ‘unmake’ us? Why are some people declared undesirable? Why are their lives devalued and pushed out of political structures?

The personal is (not) political
The research of Saddie Choua is related to the prelude "How do I make images about minority groups?" Starting from her own practice as a visual artist, video artist, documentary maker, she wonders how art can work in a political emancipatory way within our current patriarchal, racist and capitalist society?

The perception of reality within the documentary setting
The last four/five years I have been working on two documentary films in the context of migration, identity and integration: ‘No Man Is An Island’ and ‘Passe-Partout’. The films have been released and shown around the world.

Female voices and dominant (science) narratives
Science and technology have become an essential part of our cultural identity. With this PhD research, I aim to delve into the implications that this fact has on our ancestral search for meaning. And in particular, I want to focus on listening to female voices.

The Breath Art Project
The Breath Art project of Maribeth Diggle will investigate how breath can be identified and studied as a primary actor in practices of dynamic performance expression, and how embodying conscious breath techniques can strengthen different performance output, which will help design a brand new breath art methodology to contribute to, and complement, already standing curriculum. Until now, the role of breath as a central part of the performative and interpretative act has been largely under...

AI-driven Digital Scenographies: Start/Stop cloning the designer
This research explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and creative arts by developing a digital twin of an artist, capable of generating novel audiovisual performances. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset that includes historical performance data, personal communications, and social media feeds, the project aims to create an AI model that closely mimics the artist's style. The study investigates the boundaries between human creativity and computational innovation, addressing...

The impact and specificity of social artistic work
What is the impact of social-artistic work or community art? Community art is most of the time small-scale and less visible in the field of the arts. Working with sociallly vulnerable participants is very specific and the outcome is most of the time not an ordinary work of art that can be sold. It is not prestigious. But this kind of art does have a big influence on the lives of the participants.

The riding school of the revolution. An artistic research project about the relation between art and resistance on the basis of Pantagleize by Michel De Ghelderode
This project starts from problems, I experienced during my artistic work in the KVS (Royal Flemish Theatre) in Brussels, where I was working as a dramaturge and a member of the artistic staff between 2001 and 2013. My colleagues and me asked ourselves the following question: how to counter the negative effects of neoliberalism in a city like Brussels? And what kind of role art and artists could play in such a project? We found an answer for now in the powerful vision on the city and...

Social Recordings
Being is hearing and being heard. I embrace the idea that sound is a phenomenon that we both influence and are influenced by.

L I G H T matters- the LUMINAL LAB
This research project investigates the influence of coloured light on perception. It pursues a twofold approach. On the one hand, it intends to clarify how coloured light influences the perception of the beholder within the performative space. On the other hand, it also pursues an artistic approach through the creation of an immersive installation that can function as an example of performative spaces in general and provide (future) lighting designers with the tools to light a scene...

Documenting History: personal chronicles from the fulcrum of events
This research is a kind of archaeology of the present moment - we preserve and explore reality at the same time as we experience it. The study focuses on the intersection of significant historical events with personal archival materials and the evolving perceptions of both viewers and authors, aiming to uncover how these events influence an author's interpretation. Central to the study is the exploration of the symbiotic relationship between form and content in storytelling. The researcher...

The School of Two-Sided Integration. How to build a functional host society?

Charbon is a PhD research and a film about my continent Europe and me. I was born in coal and came of age in petroleum and will die in the changing climate of renewable energy....

Rediscovering classical texts for theatre in post-dramatic times
What are the possible keys to rediscover classical texts for theater in post-dramatic times?

Art as a rehearsal space for potential history and a future reality
In the early 1970s, dramaturge Marianne Van Kerkhoven founded political theatre company Het Trojaanse Paard. Specific to this group, and to related groups around them, was the conviction that art served a purpose beyond art: to bring about a process of social awareness and provide audiences with strategies to transform their everyday reality. The moment of performance was given an intention for the reality around it.

Voices of resistance
“In India, the 300 million of us who belong to the new, post-IMF “reforms” middle class— the market—live side by side with spirits of the nether world, the poltergeists of dead rivers, dry wells, bald mountains and denuded forests; the ghosts of 2,50,000 debt-ridden farmers who have killed themselves, and of the 800 million who have been impoverished and dispossessed to make way for us. And who survive on less than twenty rupees (0.25 Euro) a day” - Arundhati Roy

The automaton and puppet as a trigger for social change
Does an animated inanimate object have the power to move us in an emotional, intellectual and literal sense? Laura Vandewynckel investigates the impact of puppets and automata on the unsuspecting spectator. Can these beings, that are active and passive, subject and object, everyone and no one at the same time, be used to visualize social mechanisms? The puppet-thing triggers our critical reflection, the puppet-being compels us to engage emotionally. In the hybrid documentary project Pharmakoi...