Social Recordings

Ernst Maréchal
Promotors: Klaas Tindemans, Geert Opsomer

Being is hearing and being heard. I embrace the idea that sound is a phenomenon that we both influence and are influenced by.

How can we use a form of conscious listening, discovering our (unconscious) filters  to break open our own listening into a listening that becomes more receptive to the strange and the unfamiliar, that which frightens us, which we subconsciously filter out as noise?

Through the method of feedback loops, Social Recordings wants to search for the meanings that are generated in an ongoing process of relational listening. In the process of sending and receiving, a dialogical network of places and people who listen to each other and respond to each other is created.

Will the project contribute to transcending one’s own identity  and cause a shared "sonic" space? A listening community? Where all sound can manifest itself, where there is a form of "open listening" without discrimination?