Microtonal systems combined: a composer's approach

Christian Klinkenberg
Promotors: Jan Michiels, Peter Swinnen, Donald Bousted

Composition based on microtonal scales is enjoying increasing popularity. Xenharmonic composers  have usually limited themselves to one scale. However, the combination of microtonal scales has so far remained mostly unexplored. In "Le Sacre du Printemps" Igor Strawinsky combined modes based on the western tuning system. This approach is called polytonality. It would seem likely that the different microtonal scales can also be combined in compositions. This results in a multiplication of compositional possibilities without slipping into confusion since the composer himself determines the framework by the selection of specific scales. This selection can be based on overlaps, relationships or even complementation and might also be influenced by the respective character of the scales, as they can later be used programmatically in the composition. In this PhD, a possible working method is presented in the fields of composition, organology (instrument making) and notation including its application in the opera "The Glacier". More information on the website