The contextualization of the chamber opera “Julie” composed by Philippe Boesmans

Bart Bouckaert
Promotors: Hans De Wolf

The performing and conducting of the chamber opera Julie of Philippe Boesmans combined with Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda of Claudio Monteverdi in an adaptation of Frederik Neyrinck were the starting point of the PhD in the Arts of Bart Bouckaert.

His research was focused on the correction of the published score of Philippe Boesmans that contained quite some inaccuracies. Bart Bouckaert compared every note with every note, each instruction with each instruction, clarified, corrected and added. All of this was processed in a revised score, in close consultation with the composer. The written part of this Phd in the Arts can be considered as a reflection of experiences, ideas and opinions that were gained before, during and after this production and trestles the main part of this PhD in the Arts: the rehearsal and creation process of a revised score.